Further to last weeks communication, we will be holding a club meeting on Monday 11th July at 7:30pm. The meeting will be held at Hope Baptist Church, Chapel Street, Stourbridge, DY8 1BZ. Please can I ask people let us know of their intention to attend the meeting so we can ensure adequate seating (text / call 07968 864463). The objective of the meeting is to plan activities required to reopen the club. I would encourage anyone who is willing to contribute to this objective to attend the meeting as your help will be massively appreciated.
Dudley League Update
Some of your will have received an email from Dudley League outlining its intention to start up again from this year. This is great new with the league approaching its centenary year in 23/24. Further information regarding the leagues communication can be found on the Dudley League website here:
I would like to ask all team captains to please start communicating with their team mates to assess their intentions / readiness for the forthcoming season. The season will likely commence at the start of October which ties in nicely with our reopening in September.
For anyone without a current team and interested in joining Bromley this year, please contact us using the following form: