Due to changes in the schools holiday planning arrangements, the Sports Hall at Pens Meadow School will be unavailable to us during non term times this year. As a result, the club will be closed between Saturday 15th - Sunday 23rd Feb inclusive due to half term. These closures will impact both our weekend and mid week sessions so matches being hosted at the club will require rearranging. Additionally all weekend sessions will be impacted. The club has no control regarding these arrangements and can only apologise for any inconvenience caused. Note our hosting of Senior British League on 15th Feb is unaffected by these closures and will go ahead as planned (further information will be posted this week).
Note to team captains: Due to this pending closure, I would personally recommend rearranging impacted fixtures to a bye week. Additionally, week commencing 30th March provides an opportunity as all league fixtures will have been concluded by this date. If you have problems if you have problems rearranging matches, please speak to Mark to consider options / other solutions.