Helen will be resuming her Tuesday Night 1-2-1 sessions from 28th July. The sessions are held at Stourbridge Institute and must be pre-booked online. Players will notice some minor adjustments to the sessions as a result of current Covid19 guidance from Table Tennis England. Effectively these adjustments involve players not pickup up balls by hand during the session. In the event players wish to feed / serve during particular drills, a small number of marked balls will be allocated for use. Additionally, hand and equipment sanitisers will be available at the venue.
Sessions will last 55 minutes and be hosted at: Stourbridge Institute, Bell Street, Stourbridge, DY8 1AE Club Entrance is via Car Park, Opposite Crystal Leisure Centre entrance. Parking is available on Tesco Car Park.
Booking Conditions: - All sessions booked for Junior players must be accompanied by a parent or guardian for the duration of the session. - Failure to attend a booked session or late cancellations (<1 week notice) will still require full payment
Sign Up online here: